Tuesday, 19 August 2008

into the wild-a review

there are some movies that one remembers as a great watch.
then there are those that one does a re-think about, a movie that forces you to analyze your very own existence, and compare it to the one on screen.
into the wild falls in the latter.
to look at it cinematically is simple - absolutely stunning locales, brilliant cinematography, excellent screenplay and acting.
but to look at it as a tale, as a life-changing experience, is where the trouble begins.

most people desire a break from the monotony of their daily lives, to travel, to see the world beyond their everyday existence. the trouble is to reconcile that desire with the more practical reasoning of
and that is exactly why christopher j. mccandless is a hero to all those who think on similar lines.

imagine: an A-grades student donates all his savings of $24,000 to oxfam, and hitchhikes across the states finally ending up in alaska, where, in his words, he found that
"And after two rambling years, comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution."
living off the forest and the rivers and the sea.
traveling across a multitude of landscapes.
meeting people who re-define the meaning of life, while changing your own.

who wouldn't wish such a life?
but the trouble is, for all his bravery, he didn't have the required skill to survive in the frozen land of alaska. and that is exactly why i have a problem with mccandless' self-belief.
and by the end, he concedes it as well.

his wish was to get away from the social animal that man has become, to be rid of the responsibilities that come with civilization.
and he achieves it.
but what comes of that achievement?
that is the question we are left to ponder.

Monday, 18 August 2008

a rambling about the day

did u know that if u buy 100gm parle G biscuit, it's actually 92gms now?
and Nestle has been decreasing the weight of its maggi!
thus vanishes the last hope of a corporate revival, the last dream of capitalism!

georgia thought by sending the 3rd largest force to iraq, it could bully Mother Russia!
george bush looked on while georgia burned.
and the world learnt - don't mess with the bear, especially not one the size of a polar bear!

the airconditioner came back with the force of the jedi today, once again freezing us in the middle of a summer day. wonder what the building's electricity charges are?
but that aside, i think delhi's people are used to three things the most:
c)the stink of other's sweat
like in the metro today.
wonder how on earth, can people manage to gather up a sweat, at 11 in the morning?
and i wonder, don't they have the sense of smell?
or haven't they heard of an alternative called D-E-O-D-O-R-A-N-T!!!

and my friend sends me an invite to a poetry reading.woohooo!!!!!!!

culture is a vulture that feeds on the human greed to understand society!

for tomorrow's menu: i review Into the Wild (directed by Sean Penn)

Sunday, 17 August 2008

in a state of dementia!

now that the great mint experience begins again...a month long hiatus is apparently not enough to re-jig [or is that one word?] the popular perception of rupert murdoch's pet...
god i wish i could get that monkey's money....
so my pages have finished
and what has happened in the world today?
bihar's NREGS falls in trouble as it gives a 280 crore contract to a company with 16 crore revenue[that's called faith, my dear]
apparently kamal nath got mentioned 700% more this month than last month
and ahmedabad gets a shocking wake up call-wipro employee who turned bombmaker

in the midst of all this-italy lost to 10-man belgium
and phelps got his 8th.....
nepal gets a red as a leader....hopefully he can do something about the fuel and the food..
and lenin turned out to be a mass-murderer!

all the while the office toilet leaked and the shit stank through the roof
even as the air conditioner froze all of us to death
tehelka calls for writers-are they paying any more?
and my life revolves around a bloody kitchen and a tiny gas.