Sunday, 17 August 2008

in a state of dementia!

now that the great mint experience begins again...a month long hiatus is apparently not enough to re-jig [or is that one word?] the popular perception of rupert murdoch's pet...
god i wish i could get that monkey's money....
so my pages have finished
and what has happened in the world today?
bihar's NREGS falls in trouble as it gives a 280 crore contract to a company with 16 crore revenue[that's called faith, my dear]
apparently kamal nath got mentioned 700% more this month than last month
and ahmedabad gets a shocking wake up call-wipro employee who turned bombmaker

in the midst of all this-italy lost to 10-man belgium
and phelps got his 8th.....
nepal gets a red as a leader....hopefully he can do something about the fuel and the food..
and lenin turned out to be a mass-murderer!

all the while the office toilet leaked and the shit stank through the roof
even as the air conditioner froze all of us to death
tehelka calls for writers-are they paying any more?
and my life revolves around a bloody kitchen and a tiny gas.

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