Tuesday, 30 September 2008

torrential downpour

my life revolves around movies these days.
no, seriously, it does. the immaterial, metaphysical and obscure object called life, has decided, that it will not bother with other activities as long as the unlimited width of the broadband gives up on the traffic that it generates.
and so, it has come to respect the hard work and the effort put in by two significant men [i presume, women have better things to do] called aXXo and FXG.
some would call them pirates.
more would probably rejoice when they manage to release a flick before the cartel of expensive dvd makers do.
yeah yeah, they are pirates. but the clarity of vision and sound that they offer is undoubtedly, the best among the millions out there in the infinite galaxy of the internet.
so i bow my head in reverence, and spread the word of the prophets:
"seed and leech
dare to share
one way or the other
you will always find someone who cares"

what would the life of a movie-pirate be like? the imaginarium of a distorted mind spreads itself out, and imagines: "a job at the local dvd store. everyday filing through hundreds and thousands of motion picture dvd catalogs. go back home with a couple. today i shall rip these. with a toke in one hand, and a beer in the other, he watches the computer take over, rip the original 4 gig dvd in a 700 mb file and create an object that brings the movie studios to their knees."
or it could be: "i am against the corporatisation of the motion picture business. i hate these movie studio moguls who think a movie is a commodity, an object to be sold in the market place like a loaf of bread. and i hate these idiots who think buying a dvd for $20[or $30 or Rs900 or whatever price you might be paying] is doing the right thing because it's a genuine piece and the money goes into further productions and its their property and blah blah......"
or it could be a simple "fuck the capitalist bastards. i am going to have some fun today."

the internet is the god of our times, and axxo and fxg are surely its prophets. they are heralding the dawn of a new era, marked by sharing size and file upload speed. they are breaking down the rigid laws of hollywood, where marketing makes up 40% of a movie's costs, and the profit margins are 40% as well. and you thought that bar in the alley was robbing you just because you paid 50 bucks more than the cost of a pint.

axxo and fxg have another lesson for the current world phase, this current financial situation which is based on the eternal gratification of infinite human greed. as banks fall like dominoes on a daily basis, mankind realises avarice has no end. it may be a sin, hell yeah, but as long as i go to church it's all cool. why should i share the $50 million BONUS with anyone else? it's my hard work [based on something called leverage-what this whole mess is about]
what axxo and fxg tell us, is that it's never too late to share. share a bit. share a lot. don't be like the bankers, and start sharing once your movie has been completed.
come on, someone stayed up all night to let you seed, didn't she?

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