Tuesday 28 August 2007

Adventures in Lungiland

feels like ages since i wrote anything apart from assignments....
this place is exhausting...tiring...exciting...yeah it is..u kind of end up discovering a new self everyday...
take me - i didnt know i could manage haggling with the worst auto drivers in the world....and that too with a language barrier
i didnt know i could learn tamil - even if i haven't perfected the art of learning tamil in 30 days[my roomie gifted me tht book tho i havent looked at it even once - sorry mr ziad]
i didnt know that moonlight could shine on the sea.....

my screenplay partner tells me i must start blogging once again...now that i have discovered the art of going around the firewall to edit my blog....we must start once again....

chennai is a city of contradictions - they say it is the hub of india's information technology future...but all i see is a city mired in poverty, lack of official attention and the utter despondency of its citizens
i am a cynic - but i am not alone in my views.
malls here shine in gold shops..while outside drunk people lie on the roads with traffic passing within an inch of them...
i think thats life....
lungi land can never be this good....
maybe i expected a silicon valley in the making....
Tamil Nadu is a surprising land - alien to the rest of India, maybe even to the world.

Asian College of Journalism --
what about that?
it's a job!!!
and one that makes you pay for working!
sometimes i feel - this college was setup to make us alcoholics and schizophrenics....hooked on to stories all day long, we've forgotten how to be at a beach except think about is there a story there?

but i am having fun...soon the grilling starts....
till then...

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