Saturday 25 October 2008

a village and some ruins

it seems impossible to imagine the existence of a fresh-water tank in the middle of a city like delhi. and a further suspension of belief that once, this tank existed for the sole reason of quenching people's thirsts.
a right from the green park market takes you to hauz khas village, where quaint little movie poster shops co-exist with glitzy designer labels, where a thatched roof lives alongside a multi-storeyed apartment, where, wonder of wonders, a deer park shares its space with a celebrated restaurant, and where, in the 13th century, Messrs Alauudin Khilji built a tank for the residents of Siri [Hauz Khas is the second city of medieval Delhi], as Wiki informs me.
but it does exist, and is a personal recommendation to any friend who wants to laze an afternoon in a narcotic haze.

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